Blessings Photography

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Girls

Maelea & Reese were together for the first time 
& oh they are an adorable pair.
Maelea said "baby" & imitated her cry

"Isn't she cute Pappy"? 

Maelea's pose for the papparzzi & Reese is puttin' up her dukes

I didn't get to take as many photos as I normally do because I was spending time just holding, loving & playing with our beautiful granddaughters.  Baths, diaper changes, pajamas, bottles ~ oh what fun!
I am so proud of Alex & Mary Beth & Sheree' & Garrett!  They are such wonderful loving parents.  And those dads work hard right beside the moms taking care of their girls.   And our kids got to take their kids to church on Easter together - what a blessing.  
We had a wonderful weekend together, it just didn't last long enough.  I just can't wait until the next time!!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Happy Birthday Reggie


When there is a newborn baby in the house you are awake at all hours.
Now for some people seeing a sunrise is nothing new, but for me it is a rarity
& this one was gorgeous from Garrett & Sheree's back deck.

And I pray that as you celebrate Easter you remember that
 He is Risen.
You are inscribed on the palm of His hand...
Isaiah 49:16

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Watching Garrett Work

Garrett has found his dream job.
And I could watch him work all day long.
I could follow him with a camera for hours ~
he is use to this but Austin was beginning to wonder about me.

After working these 55 heifers they herded them down the road to another field.

Then they changed modes of transportation

Then they raced to the house for lunch - NOT!
They would rather hold Reese than eat.

Who does this remind you of????

I get such joy watching my children work.
They are able, blessed & oh so talented. 
And they are very smart - they gave me 4 more to love!
And I am oh so proud of them all.
Thank You Lord For Your Blessings On Me

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

While Pippo Was Gone

Pappy did some artwork on my GMC (I love my truck ~ it is soooo cool & fun to drive)
Danny has done a lot of work on my truck - I just love that man.
Today I have wheels & tires and an appointment to get the exhaust fixed.

And he did some photography work, too

Reese had her check up & she has grown an inch.  She is now 6 lbs 6 oz. 
Her doctor used the word "perfect".  So Thankful.  God has been so merciful.

She kind of likes loves her daddy

She Loves mom's kisses

Monday, April 18, 2011

Pippo is Home

After a wonderful two weeks with Garrett, Sheree' & Reese I am now back home.  Of course I miss them terribly, but we will be going back this weekend & Mary Beth, Alex & Maelea will be there!  Yippee!!
What a wonderful Easter it will be.

Our little darling Reese.

I think it's against the law for the mom to look this good just days after giving birth...

One proud Daddy & one proud Pappy

Believe it or not I have more photos of our little precious Reese.
Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pippo & Pappy Ecstatic Bliss

I love the word "grandchildren".  We have TWO beautiful granddaughters.
Pippo & Pappy are in absolute ecstatic bliss.
We can't wait to see them side by side.
I think they will look like sisters.

Pippo loves you little darlin'
Daddy's hands
As with most men and newborns, Justin did not want to hold her in fear she would break.
Daddy said nothing doin' - you are going to hold her.  
And he did.

For this child I prayed

Today I am leaving & I will have the honored privilege of going & staying with this precious family & helping out for the next several days.  Pippo will be quite contented.  Pray for Pappy.  
Oh what showers of blessings.
And as you might imagine there will be a few more photos.
See you when I return! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Day Reese Arrived

We all began in the actual waiting room.
We were able to go back & visit with them in the room.

Then we moved to the hall right outside Sheree's room.

We just had to know what was going on, so we got the play by play from these girls.
If someone had opened that door, they would have fell right in :)
Such good & caring friends.  Lots of Love.

When she was born we could hear her cry & we all cheered!

Then after we waited what seemed forever we all came in & Family & Friends shared in the joy of this sweet little miracle.